Our Patriot Ancestors

These patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes for the liberties we enjoy today. These men served in the military, performed civil service, or demonstrated patriotic service by aiding the cause.

Our members descend from one of these brave men, and we remember them for their service to our country.

View this list of complete acceptable service for patriots.


Patriot Service State
Abel Allen Patriotic Service New Hampshire
Jacob Amweg Soldier Pennsylvania
Shubael Baker Lieutenant Massachusetts
Moses Barker Sergeant Massachusetts
Jonathan Bell Private New Hampshire
Ichabod Bensen Private Massachusetts
Napthali Bishop Soldier Vermont
John Buntin Private New Hampshire
Jonathan Burrows Soldier Massachusetts/New Hampshire
John Bishop Soldier Vermont
Thomas Cogswell Lieutenant Colonel Massachusetts
Benjamin Comstock Private Connecticut
John Coombs Private Massachusetts
John Corser, III Patriotic Service New Hampshire
Hodges Cutler Private New Hampshire
William Davis Private New Jersey
Abraham Ean Private New York
Ephriam Eastman Patriotic Service New Hampshire
John Felch Captain Massachusetts
Moses Fellows Patriotic Service New Hampshire
John Fellows, Sr. Patriotic Service New Hampshire
David Fisher, Sr. Lieutenant Massachusetts
Richard Fitts Private New Hampshire
Samuel Fogg Private New Hampshire
Jabesh Frink Private New Hampshire
Benadam Gallup Major Connecticut
Charles Gerrish Major Maine
Benjamin Erastus Gibbs Colonel Kentucky
Jacob Goodhue Private New Hampshire
David Goodwin Corporal Massachusetts
Daniel Goss Captain Massachusetts
Timothy Green Patriotic Service Massachusetts
John Gregg Patriotic Service Connecticut
Daniel Hadley Private New Hampshire
Benjamin Hartshorn Civil Service New Hampshire
Joseph Hilton Lieutenant New Hampshire
Joseph Hopkins Patriotic Service New Hampshire
Theophilus Hopkins Private Massachusetts
Joseph Huckins Patriotic Service New Hampshire
Joseph Hoyt Captain New Hampshire
Southworth Jenkins Corporal New Hampshire
Peter Johnson, Sr. Patriotic Service New Hampshire
Philip Kibbey Private Connecticut
John King Musician/Private Massachusetts
Aaron Kneeland Private Massachusetts
Samuel Ladd Lieutenant New Hampshire
Samuel Leffingwell Civil Service Connecticut
William Locke Private New Hampshire
John N. Maxfield Private Massachusetts
Samuel McGaffey Private New Hampshire
John Muzzey Soldier New Hampshire
Andrew Page Patriotic Service New Hampshire
Samuel Pillsbury Private Massachusetts
Joseph Rankin Private Massachusetts
Noah Robinson Lieutenant New Hampshire
Amaziah Rust Patriotic Service Connecticut
Cutting Stevens Private New Hampshire
James Stevens Private Massachusetts/New Hampshire
Ebenezer Streeter Private Massachusetts
Joseph Tasker Private New Hampshire
Benjamin True Private New Hampshire
Ebenezer Webster Colonel New Hampshire
Alexander Wiley Private North Carolina
John Wyllie Captain Maine
Edward Woodman Private North Carolina
William Yeaton Lieutenant New Hampshire